Page 22 - Esmurin Tomodachi Edisi 9
P. 22

ENGLISH CORNER                                                             UST ULIL SAFROTUN NAFIAH

              IN, ON, OR AT THE CORNER?

                                                                    2. On the Corner
             Prepositions  like  “in,”  “on,”  and                  digunakan  untuk  sesuatu  yang

             “at” can be tricky to use, especially                  terletak    di    tepi    jalan    atau
             for  English  as  an  Additional                       pertemuan        dua     jalan     atau
             Language  (EAL)  learners.  When                       persimpangan jalan

             talking  about  a  corner,  the  choice                Contoh :
             of    preposition      changes       the               The tree  is on the corner of Main
             meaning of your sentence.
                                                                    Street and Elm Street.

             In this article, we’ll break down the

             differences     between       “in    the
             corner,”  “on  the  corner,”  and  “at
             the corner,” and provide examples

             to help you use each one correctly.

             1. In the Corner

             digunakan  untuk  sesuatu  yang
             letaknya  di  dalam  atau  di  ruang

             Contoh :
             The bookshelve is in the corner of
             the room.
                                                                      3. At the Corner

                                                                      digunakan      untuk     menunjukkan
                                                                      lokasi  umum  yang  dekat  dengan
                                                                      pertemuan dua jalan.
                                                                      Contoh :

                                                                      There is a traffic light at the corner
                                                                      by the park.

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